Head Anatomy 1, Week 1
Week of June 6
7h 50m of drawing
My first time drawing heads more detailed than just oval
Right before this week started my girlfriend flew from Seattle to SF
to live with me for the week. Had fun exploring SF together so I spent
less time drawing than usual.
1h 20m drawing
Watched Proko's introductory video on the Loomis method for drawing
heads and practiced for an hour until my gf got bored and asked to do
timed figure drawing together.
Really happy with my 10 minute figure below. I feel like I've gotten
a handle on all the material I've watched and read so far on figure
The next big improvement in my figure drawings won't come until I
start working through Proko's figure drawing videos on the Robo
Bean and Mannequinization, and I'm happy to work on head anatomy and
perspective for a few weeks until I go back to figure drawing
No drawing, spent the evening with my gf at a board game cafe
3h 15m
Watched a few more Proko videos on the Loomis method, then got lost in
the flow of time while drawing two dozen heads. It was fun to alternate
between deliberate practice of the Loomis method and doodling in hair,
eyes, and other features.
No drawing, went to a mansion with gf for an multi-course dinner with
experimental food
No drawing, went to Covet's live show with my gf. Had to leave a bit
early, but it was nice to see Yvette play in-person since
she's the musician who inspired me to start playing guitar last
Saturday and Sunday
3h 15m
Spent the weekend at my gf's house in the East Bay.
On Saturday, we went on a double date to an amusement park, and the
other bf there was the first person I've ever spoke to who's earnestly
trying to make visual art their full time career -- this was really
encouraging for me.
Asked him lots of questions about his experience as an art student,
I'm a bit jealous of the social legibility that comes with being an art
student in uni vs being self-taught. On the other hand, I confirmed my
hunch that the curriculum I made for myself covers all the material that
an undergrad works through, I just need to maintain the work ethic and
good vibes outside of campus.
Was able to get a fair bit of drawing done in the evenings. I drew
the eye and nose while following Proko
tutorials, but the face was drawn from reference. I'm really happy
with how it turned out.
Next week I'll work through the Proko tutorials on lips, ears, and
hair -- and then draw a dozen or so heads putting together the Loomis
methods with these features in different head orientations.